The Detailing Business Class Podcast

213: When To Raise Your Prices and Hire an Employee in Your Detailing Business

Oscar Gil

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When's the right time to hire someone in your business or raise your prices? It has nothing to do with how many cars you have booked on your schedule yet many detailers use this as a metric to hire someone. Unfortunately, it's a very ineffective method that can really impact your business. 

In this episode, I talk in-detail about how to use budged hours and hourly rate goals to book out your schedule, raise your rates, or higher help. A bunch of knowledge in this episode! 

⚡️Software we use to run our detailing business (free 14-day trial plus get a special discount):
📗 The Ultimate Guide To Start Your Detailing Business:
🧑🏽‍💻 How I Turn My Website into a Customer Generating Machine:
📧 Get my Six-Figure Email Templates:
📘 The 8-services You Can Offer in Your Detailing Business:

📷 Instagram: @detailgroove